Our lunches are now provided by Independent Catering, a Kent based company passionate (as we are) about fresh, local produce. School lunches offer a balanced, nutritional and healthy meal for the children and take into account any specific dietary or allergen requirements that are notified to the School. Independent Catering have been accredited with The Silver Food for Life award which means your child can be confident that:
A choice of three main meals is provided each day, one of which is a pasta or jacket potato and one suitable for a vegetarian diet. Fresh bread and salad are available each day. There is also a pudding of the day or a choice of fresh fruit, yogurt or cheese and crackers. Milk is also available as well as water.
Our 3 sittings mean that lunchtimes are an enjoyable and sociable experience with enough time to play and exercise outside.
School lunches cost £2.58 per day and can now be ordered on a daily basis, you no longer need to sign up for the week. Parents pay for the meals through the online sQuid cashless payment system. Your child will order their lunch at registration and are issued with a coloured band so are guaranteed their choice.