Godinton Primary School


Pupils must wear school uniform at all times. Please ensure that you clearly label all uniform with your child's name.

Please click on the links below to view information on Uniform requirements including P.E. kit, swimming kit requirements and information on wearing jewellery.


Parents are able to purchase school uniform items, showing the Godinton logo online at County Print and Embroidery. Click here to visit their website.

or from their shop which is located in Chapel Mews, North Street (just off the High Street).


Orders can be delivered to the school office for collection or parents can opt for home delivery or in store collection. Please allow sufficient time for delivery of items required.



Second-hand uniform is sold at our 'pop up shops' at regular intervals throughout the year for example at the Christmas and Summer Fairs. 


If anyone has any unwanted items of school uniform that they would like to donate to future sales, please drop these off at the school office.