Godinton Primary School

Severe Weather Arrangements

In the event of heavy snow every effort will be made to ensure that the school remains fully or partially open in order to minimise the impact on parents. In order to prevent closure, the usual curriculum may be altered or alternative arrangements made such as children completing activities in larger groups in the school hall.

The school will only close if the site is hazardous or if insufficient staff are able to make it into school to ensure that the children can be adequately supervised. In these circumstances, parents will be notified via ParentMail, as soon as possible, as to any full closure of the school or if the school will be closed to certain classes or year groups.

An alert will also be put on the KCC Closures Website which can be found at www.kentclosures.co.uk. Parents can sign up for an SMS/Email alerts on the Kent Closures website; this service will send an SMS or email alert to let parents know if our school is closed.

Kent Closure alerts will trigger announcements on local radio stations (KMFM, BBC Radio Kent or Heart FM).

The school website will also be updated with any announcements.